GET method send SMS
[APIKEY] | API Key. (Find your API key at My Account > Settings) |
[RECIPIENTS] | Recipient mobile number. - Mobile number with country code. - Once recipient one request. - One recipient one request. - You can use semi-colon(;) to separate each recipient without space when sending multiple recipients. |
[MESSAGE] | Message body. - A single SMS may contain 160 characters, or 70 characters for Unicode. - Concatenated SMS may contains 152 characters, or 63 characters for Unicode. - All Malaysia mobile number will be minus 7 characters “RM0.00” at the beginning of each SMS content. - Maximum of 10 concatenated SMS. As per SKMM guidelines, you shall include price information at the beginning of each SMS. You shall use either “Free msg/RM0.00/Msj ini percuma” at the beginning of the SMS content. For more information, please read our Terms & Conditions. |
[CUSTOMREFERENCEID] | An unique reference id from your system to avoid duplicate request. |
[STATUS] | Show the status for send SMS (ok / error) |
[MSGCODE] | Show code to represent particular status. |
[REFERENCEID] | Your reference for any future enquiries. |
[BALANCE] | Your account current balance. |
[DATA] | Each recipient sending reference ID. |
Request and Response format
Encourage to use URL encode on the request link / url to converts reserved, unsafe, and non-ASCII characters in URLs to a format that is universally accepted and understood by all web browsers and servers. Paste it here and encode link
Please refer to here to know more about url encoding characters reference
Encoded Request %5BAPIKEY%5D%26recipients%3D%5BRECIPIENT%5D%26messageContent%3D %5BMESSAGE%5D%26referenceID%3D%5BCUSTOMREFERENCEID%5D
{"status":"[STATUS]","msgCode":"[MSGCODE]","statusMsg":"[ STATUSMSG]","referenceID":"[ REFERENCEID]"," balance":"[ BALANCE]", "data": "[DATA]" } *Response array encoded with JSON
Example code for request and response
Single recipient 6010xxxxxxx&referenceID=ba63ht12opab6
Multiple recipients 6010xxxxxxx;6012xxxxxxx&referenceID=iyr340hbc6ja0b
Encoded Request
Single recipient apiKey%3D22f277843206d477d3cd4ae1c9220bc3%26messageContent%3D Testing%25123%26recipients%3D6010xxxxxxx%26referenceID%3Dba63ht12opab6
Multiple recipients apiKey%3D22f277843206d477d3cd4ae1c9220bc3%26messageContent%3D Testing%25123%26recipients%3D6010xxxxxxx%3B6012xxxxxxx%26referenceID%3Diyr340hbc6ja0b
Single recipient - Successful {"status":"ok","msgCode":"E00001","statusMsg":"Completed successfully.","referenceID":["q5c502192aa869"],"balance":8901,"data":[{"recipients":"6010xxxxxxx","referenceID":"q5c502192aa869"}]}
Multiple recipients - Successful {"status":"ok","msgCode":"E00001","statusMsg":"Completed successfully.","referenceID":["q5c5021c306a95","q5c5021c306ae8"],"balance":8901,"data":[{"recipients":"6010xxxxxxx","referenceID":"q5c5021c306a95"},{"recipients":"6012xxxxxxx","referenceID":"q5c5021c306ae8"}]}
Unsuccessful {"status":"error","msgCode":"E00242","statusMsg":"invalid recipient(s).","invalidRecipients":["6010999999999"]}
*Response array encoded with JSON
Status Code List
Status Code | Description |
E00001 | Completed successfully. |
E00081 | Account not active yet. Please contact our support. |
E00242 | Invalid recipient(s). |
E00243 | Please enter your message. |
E00249 | Maximum 10 SMS per recipient(s). |
E00248 | Please enter at least one recipient. |
E00250 | Insufficient balance. |
E00253 | Maximum 100 recipient(s). |
E00359 | Invalid API Key. |
E00366 | The message content contains international brand(s). |
BE00035 | The message not allow to send without company name. |
BE00036 | The message not allow to send without whitelisted. |
BE00096 | Duplicated reference id found. |
BE00128 | Completed successfully(low balance). |
Last updated